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Calendar; experience; previous

quàn Advise; encourage

wéi Do; act as; become; be; various syntactic uses

bèn same as (笨) in some ancient books

biān Side; edge; adjacent; party (in negotiations); indicating simultaneity

gōng Merit; success; skill; work (Physics)

hāng Rammer; ram; thrash

jiā Add; increase; append


Sweet basil

lìng Other

mài Diligence

Business; engaged in; be sure to; used in place names

yòu Child; young

dòng Move; act; change; use; arouse; moving; frequently

lèi Rib

liè Inferior; smaller than standard

jié Rob; calamity

劲l jìn Strength; vigour; manner; gusto


nán Male; son

Exert; protrude; overexert

qióng Poor; end; use up; thoroughly; extremely


shào Encourage

zhù Help

ǎo Bend; break

Expose (wrongdoing)


Slave; enemy

shì Power; momentum; outward appearance; situation; gesture


miǎn Strive; exhort

xūn Merit; medal

yǒng Brave

měng Brave

qíng Powerful

kān Proofread; survey

Bridle; rein in; coerce; command


Toil; wear and tear

Raise (money etc.)

qín Diligent; frequent; duty; attendance

xié used in names

bàn Do; manage; set up; purchase; punish

shāng Injury; injure; grieved; get sick of something; hinder

chì Rectify; instruct; prudent

láo Labour; labourer; fatigue

Write a letter

pāo Throw; desert; expose; dump (a product)

Name of a sea
